SME E-Commerce Summit held under the auspices of IdeaSoft and Google

November 23, 2018 / By

Cosar Akkaya has attended the SME E-Commerce Summit


Digital transformation is key to growth of SMEs and it should be considered as comparative business advantage

 As Cosar Akkaya Law, we have attended the ‘SME E-Commerce Summit’ held under the auspices of IdeaSoft and Google in İstanbul on 20th November 2018 where small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have met with the professionals from the e-commerce sector. Many among the participants are in the process of digital transformation and carrying their business into digital platforms.

Important number of participants

Our Partner Att. Cagri Cosar stated that ‘as a lawyer who has a strong belief in digitalization and has focused on the legal services related to the digitalization processes, it was quite pleasing to see the big interest of SMEs in the Summit.’

Role of digital transformation in the current ecosystem

Att. Cagri Cosar continues to state that ‘from my perspective, it is particularly important for the SMEs to understand the role of digitalization correctly and implement digitalization projects in order to be successful in the current ecosystem. Digital transformation without doubt brings SMEs to another stage from many respects. All sectors instinctively will adapt their services to mobile and online platforms at some point. Otherwise, they will not be able to compete. I like putting the term ‘digital disruption’ on the table very frequently. The term is defined as a transformation which is caused by an emerging digital technologies and business models whereas such technologies and business models have effect on the value of existing products and services offered in the industry. In explaining the term digital disruption, Kodak case is always to the point as an example. Kodak had failed to capture the digital transformation and finally declared bankrupt back in 2012. It was very interesting when Şebnem Erzan from Google shared with us a research stating that SMEs in Turkey who are actively using internet have increased their revenues by %17 in 2017.’


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